20th meeting of the Wadden Sea Board in Harlingen (NL)

On 16 June 2017, the three national delegations as well as advisors from the NGO Waddenvereniging and the Wadden Sea Forum met at the city hall of Harlingen, Netherlands, for the 20th meeting of the Wadden Sea Board (WSB 20). Customary agenda topics were the state of implementation of the Tønder Declaration, various areas of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation and the Task Groups reports to the Board. The Board discussed themes and next steps for the Trilateral Governmental Conference, to be held in May 2018 in Leeuwarden. Representatives of the Swimway Initiative and the project "CO2 neutral Wadden Sea Region” informed the board about their aims and future steps. Furthermore, the Waddenvereniging presented their report on the consequences of future sea level rise in the Wadden Sea caused by climate change.
The next Wadden Sea Board meeting is scheduled for 16 November 2017.