28.04.2022 New East Atlantic Flyway assessment report shows flyway trends of migratory waterbird populations In January 2020, over 13,000 people counted migratory waterbirds at more than 1,000 sites in 36 countries along the East Atlantic Flyway. Read more
29.03.2022 Workshop focused on dune and beach management effects on breeding birds Experts discussed a basic framework for developing guidelines concerning the effective management of dunes and beaches and the improvement of breeding habitat conditions. Read more
03.03.2022 Kick-off for SHIRE project on Wadden Sea fish history What did the fish community in the Wadden Sea look like in historic times? What were drivers of change? These questions will be addressed in this project. Read more
Wadden Sea Ecosystem 41: Trends of Migratory and Wintering Waterbirds in the Wadden Sea 1987/1988 - 2019/2020 Download
19.01.2022 Simultaneous waterbird counts along the East Atlantic Flyway presently conducted During the January weekends, you will dedicated ornithologists along the coastline of the East Atlantic Flyway, counting the waterbirds present in their specific area. Read more
19.11.2021 UNESCO calls for substantial investment in science to protect marine World Heritage against climate impact A new report, Ocean Science Roadmap for UNESCO Marine World Heritage, reveals that three quarters of marine World Heritage sites are unprepared for the impacts of climate change, because of a lack of scientific knowledge. Read more
02.12.2021 Scientists see Wadden Sea at serious risk due to climate change International Scientific Symposium on Wadden Sea World Heritage formulates recommendations on protection of ecosystem and biodiversity Read more
26.11.2021 Expert Group Salt Marshes and Dunes sights Marconi salt marshes During their last meeting in October 2021, the members of the Expert Group Salt Marshes and Dunes visited the Marconi salt marshes, a salt marsh development project by Bioshape in the Netherlands. Read more
01.11.2021 Harbour seal population size in the Wadden Sea plateaus close to the level it was in 1900 Thirty years after the implementation of the Wadden Sea Seal Agreement, the population of harbour seals in the Wadden Sea, has increased five-fold and is assumed to have reached the same level as estimated in 1900. Read more