01.11.2023 Harbour seal counts in the Wadden Sea show decrease third year in a row The yearly pup counts of 2023 revealed a 10% increase in pup numbers, while the yearly count of all harbour seals during the moult decreased by 4% compared to 2022. Read more
31.08.2023 Experts express concern about biodiversity in the Wadden Sea More than 150 representatives from science, nature conservation, and politics met at Wadden Sea Day titled “Put the Wadden Sea’s Biodiversity on the path to recovery!” Read more
03.07.2023 Coordinated surveys confirm continuous growth of grey seals in the Wadden Sea In the past five years, the number of grey seal pups in this region has shown an average annual growth rate of 13 percent, while the number of adult animals counted during the moult grew by 12 percent annually. Read more
01.11.2022 Decrease in number of harbour seals observed in the Wadden Sea Harbour seals, the most well-known seal species in the Wadden Sea, are monitored annually through aerial surveys that cover the entire Wadden Sea World Heritage site and the island of Helgoland. Read more
23.09.2022 Wadden Sea serves as pilot region to UNESCO on environmental DNA sampling The UNESCO World Heritage Centre in Paris is conducting a global citizen science initiative on environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling in the UNESCO World Heritage marine sites. Read more
01.07.2022 Wadden Sea wide counts: Long-term growth in grey seal numbers may be slowing down Since their recolonization of the Wadden Sea in the mid 20th-century, the grey seal population has considerably increased. Read more
08.12.2021 UNESCO stelt vragen over gasboringen onder Nederlandse Waddenzee UNESCO heeft een brief gestuurd aan de Nederlandse regering met een verzoek om informatie met betrekking tot de voorgenomen gaswinning Ternaard en de aanlanding van Wind op Zee ten noorden van de Wadden. Read more
02.12.2021 Wetenschappers zien Waddenzee ernstig bedreigd door klimaatverandering Internationaal wetenschapssymposium komt met aanbevelingen voor bescherming van ecosysteem en biodiversiteit in de Waddenzee. Read more
09.11.2020 Uitkomsten telling gewone zeehonden Waddenzee Er zijn in augustus 2020 28.352 gewone zeehonden geteld in de Deense-Duitse-Nederlandse Waddenzee en Helgoland. Read more
03.07.2020 Wadden Sea grey seal report: Fewer disturbances for grey seals? The 2020 spring count of moulting grey seals in the Wadden Sea shows an increase of numbers in comparison to the previous year. Read more